Take-home Content (100 points)

As explained in the syllabus, the exam consists of two components. The first is a take-home exam that will be distributed by noon on Monday, September 12th. To access the exam, you will run the notebook00.Rmd file; that will download the file exam01.Rmd, which contains the exam questions, and any associated datasets. Answer the questions as you have done in the class notebooks, knit the notebook, and bring your printed solutions to class on Wednesday, September 14th. You may use any static resources for the exam but cannot discuss the questions with anyone else.

The questions will be similar to those in notebooks 1-5. Since it is open book, all of the material there (whether it be in the notes, slides, or notebooks) is fair game for the exam. I will not ask questions regarding the 6th notes (the verb mutate). Pay close attention to the code formating rules in the first and second set of notes. You will lose points for formatting errors on the take-home exam.

In-Class Content (100 points)

The in-class exam will take place on September 14th. It is a closed book exam that will be done entirely on paper. There will be ten questions:

  1. Hand write a small dataset according to some general rules, much as you did for the first homework.
  2. Draw a plot (a scatterplot I will describe to you) with your dataset.
  3. Write the R code, using ggplot, that would create the plot your drew.
  4. Given an image of a plot, describe it in terms of ggplot layers (i.e., describe the aesthetics, geometries, and data set)
  5. Given an image of a plot, write down the R code that will recreate the plot.
  6. Similar to the homework for the 4th and 5th notes, I will give you a dataset and ask you to use the data verbs to create a new version of the dataset.
  7. Same as 6.
  8. Same as 6.
  9. Same as 6.
  10. Same as 6.

For the plots, you should be able to use the geometries geom_point, geom_text_repel and geom_line. For these, you should be able to apply the aesthetics x, y, color, label, size, and shape. I will not ask you to apply any scales to the plots.

For the data verbs (questions 6-10), you will need to know the five verbs we have covered (but not mutate), group_by, and how to use the helper functions n(), mean(), %in%, and desc().