This is the first time we have actually used R this semester. In case this is your first time with it, I’ve tried to keep the notebook nice and short so that you can take your time and ask a lot of questions about what’s going on. The text that is here on a white background is just plain text. You can write (almost) anything you want here and it should not cause any trouble. The actual R code is written on parts of the document that are shown behind a grey background. We can run this code and see the results. For example the code below takes the square root of the number 100. You can run it by hitting the green triangle in the upper-right corner of the grey box.
## [1] 10
The output should show up below the code when you run it. Wondering
what the number one in square brackets is? It’s just counting the number
of outputs (this is the “1st” and only output). We can also use R to
create variables by assigning objects to names using the arrow operator
. (note: the back quotes that you see here always
indicate that the things inside of it is a command that you can run in
R). For example, here is the code to create a variane called
with the value of 2.4
You could now, after running the code there, use the variable
in any other code that you write. R has a large number
of function that we can use to manipulate data. This includes everything
from simple mathematical functions such as the sqrt
you saw
above to complex statistical models, which we will see later in this
I won’t give a full complete introduction to the entire R language
here, but let’s see one more important thing: the pipe operator. This is
the symbol |>
(you may also see it written equivalently
as %>%
). It passes the output of one line of code to the
next line. So, for example, this code takes the square root of temp and
then applies the sin function to the output (for no reason other than
just to show the idea of the pipe):
## [1] 0.9997667
For every notebook in this class, you should run all of the code that
I have given you in code chunks that look like those above. You will
also see some chunks like the following that are empty and have a
question number at the top. For these, you need to type in your own code
to answer the preceeding question and then run it. So, let’s start.
Below, apply the three following functions in order to the number stored
in temp
: (1) the log
, (2) the square root, and
(3) the tan
## [1] 1.356845
Again, no reason to do this other than to practice.
Let’s do something a lot more interesting. Run the following code to read in a cleaned version of the keylogging data that we created during the first week of the semester. There is a little extra code to deal with some missing data. NOTE: If you get an error, go to the top of the notebook and run the very first chunk to load in all the R packages that we need.
## # A tibble: 19,893 × 7
## id task time duration key gap1 gap2
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 A 1 226 96 "F" 359 263
## 2 A 1 585 121 "a" 244 123
## 3 A 1 829 64 "r" 140 76
## 4 A 1 969 73 " " 322 249
## 5 A 1 1291 76 "o" 211 135
## 6 A 1 1502 64 "u" 226 162
## 7 A 1 1728 64 "t" 213 149
## 8 A 1 1941 80 " " 470 390
## 9 A 1 2411 61 "i" 153 92
## 10 A 1 2564 33 "n" 115 82
## # ℹ 19,883 more rows
The dataset here consists of each each key that was typed by each student. The column id is an anonomized code for each student; the task tells us whether this is the copy task (1) or the free-write task (2); time is a timestamp in milliseconds from the time the window was opened; duration is the amount of time the key way held down for in milliseconds; key is the output of hitting the key; gap1 is the time from this key being pressed to the time the next key is pushed, and gap2 is the time from this key being released and the next key being pressed.
Take a few moments to scroll through the day and note that you can see (more or less) the text by reading down the key column. I have remove backspaces and other special characters, so it will not be a perfect match.
We can use the filter
function to take a subset of our
dataset. Here, for example, is the data from the second task for student
## # A tibble: 186 × 7
## id task time duration key gap1 gap2
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 A 2 107 69 "M" 189 120
## 2 A 2 296 36 "y" 4 -32
## 3 A 2 300 28 "u" 139 111
## 4 A 2 439 76 " " 1262 1186
## 5 A 2 1701 64 " " 508 444
## 6 A 2 2209 88 "f" 198 110
## 7 A 2 2407 111 "a" 262 151
## 8 A 2 2669 57 "v" 206 149
## 9 A 2 2875 76 "i" 802 726
## 10 A 2 3677 69 "o" 122 53
## # ℹ 176 more rows
In the code below, select your own data. Scroll through and make sure that this is the correct data. If not, please let me know!
## # A tibble: 522 × 7
## id task time duration key gap1 gap2
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 B 2 68 92 "M" 225 133
## 2 B 2 293 81 "y" 113 32
## 3 B 2 406 100 " " 152 52
## 4 B 2 558 112 "f" 142 30
## 5 B 2 700 108 "a" 184 76
## 6 B 2 884 112 "v" 130 18
## 7 B 2 1014 104 "o" 116 12
## 8 B 2 1130 144 "r" 112 -32
## 9 B 2 1242 76 "i" 110 34
## 10 B 2 1352 136 "t" 195 59
## # ℹ 512 more rows
The following code constructs a histogram of the duration of each of the keys across all of the students for the first task. Take a moment to understand what the output is telling us.
kl |>
filter(task == 1) |>
ggplot(aes(x = duration)) +
geom_histogram(color = "black", fill = "white", bins = 30)
Copy the code above into the code below and then change it to show a
histogram of the variable gap1
. You should notice that this
is quite different.
# Question 03
kl |>
filter(task == 1) |>
ggplot(aes(x = gap1)) +
geom_histogram(color = "black", fill = "white", bins = 30)
The issue with the histogram is that there are a few gaps that are very long. These are probably someone taking a break, checking their work, or making changes somewhere. In the code below, add an extra filter to only include those data where gap1 is less than 1 second (that is, 1000 milliseconds).
# Question 04
kl |>
filter(task == 1) |>
filter(gap1 < 1000) |>
ggplot(aes(x = gap1)) +
geom_histogram(color = "black", fill = "white", bins = 30)
Finally, do the same for the second gap:
# Question 05
kl |>
filter(task == 1) |>
filter(gap2 < 1000) |>
ggplot(aes(x = gap2)) +
geom_histogram(color = "black", fill = "white", bins = 30)
Do you think these are normal enough to apply the T-based confidence intervals? Hopefully so!
Let’s compute the sample mean of the duration of all the key presses
across the dataset. There is the function mean
in R to
compute a sample mean. In order to get the data from one column of the
dataset, we can use the format: DATANAME$VARNAME. In other words, write
the name of the dataset, a dollar sign, and then a variable name. In the
code below, compute the sample mean of the duration of the key
## [1] 96.10169
Make sure that you understand what this means in terms of seconds.
Now, let’s try to build a 99% confidence interval for the duration.
We can get the critical values (the t sub alpha in the notes) for the
test with the following code, which uses the quantile function
for the T distribution and the nrow
function to get the sample size of our data (very large, about 20k).
## [1] 2.576076
Using our formula for the T-based confidence interval, use R to
compute the lower-bound of the confidence interval. You can use the
function var
to compute the sample variance.
## [1] 95.46117
And then, below use a similar approach to get the upper bound.
## [1] 96.74222
We can get R to do all of this work for us using the function
. Here is an example of how to use the function to
measure the duration of the key presses using a 99% confidence
## One Sample t-test
## data: kl$duration
## t = 386.52, df = 19892, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 0
## 99 percent confidence interval:
## 95.46119 96.74220
## sample estimates:
## mean of x
## 96.10169
There is a lot of information in the output. We’ll learn about the parts at the top next week. For now, just see the confidence interval and mean at the bottom. Do they match what you had manually above?
Use the t.test
function to get a 99% percent confidence
interval for gap2 the time between hitting subsequent
## One Sample t-test
## data: kl$gap1
## t = 26.646, df = 19858, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 0
## 99 percent confidence interval:
## 253.4688 307.7234
## sample estimates:
## mean of x
## 280.5961
There is a problem with this data, however. We saw above that the gap
data are heavily skewed. This makes it inappropriate for the T
distribution as-is. We can fix this by filter the data to include only
those gaps that are under 1 second (the cut-off is a bit arbitrary, but
1s works well). We can do this in R by adding
[kl$gap1 < 1000]
to the end of the variable name. In the
code below, compute the confidence interval for gap1
using only those values that are under 1s.
## One Sample t-test
## data: kl$gap1[kl$gap1 < 1000]
## t = 163.74, df = 19206, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 0
## 99 percent confidence interval:
## 167.5610 172.9177
## sample estimates:
## mean of x
## 170.2393
Compare this to the first output. Does it seem reasonable to filter the data like this?
We also have a formula for computing a confidence interval for the sample variance. Below, compute the sample variance of the duration?
## [1] 1229.786
Here is the code to get the critical value for the lower bound of the chi-squared distribution:
## [1] 20410.54
And here is the code for the upper bound:
## [1] 19382.97
Below, compute the lower-bound of the 99% confidence interval for the variance of the duration:
## [1] 1198.543
And then, the upper bound:
## [1] 1262.082
Notice that the variance is in squared milliseconds. Typically, in an applied problem, it makes more sense to convert these estimates into a confidence interval for the square root of the variance (called the standard deviation). Compute the bounds on the standard deviation below:
## [1] 34.61997 35.52580
Go back and look at the histogram of the duration. Do these bounds seem reasonable for the standard deviation? A good rule of thumb is that about 95% of the data should be within +/- two standard deviations of the mean.
Hopefully you found it insightful to work with some real data. Unfortunately, it is rarely interesting to consider means on their own (at least unless you have a lot of prior knowledge about a the data you are working with). What will be much easier to motivate is studying differences between duration. For example, do you take more time (or less) to type when you are copying versus writing your own text? Are there differences between the people in the class in the speed at which they type? Are there letter pairs that are harder/easier to type? We will build all of the tools to do these things over the next few weeks.