The British National Corpus, or BNC, is a very well-known collection of texts used in linguistics research. The full set contains a set of texts that amount to 100 million words from a variety of different sources. In order to balance our ability to get some interesting results while running on most machines, I have taken a smaller sample of the dataset and provided it here for us to use. We can load the data as follows:
## # A tibble: 6,286,676 × 6
## doc sid text hw pos c5
## <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 BNN 1 Essex essex SUBST NP0
## 2 BNN 1 by by PREP PRP
## 3 BNN 1 the the ART AT0
## 4 BNN 1 Sea sea SUBST NN1
## 5 BNN 2 Dovercourt dovercourt SUBST NP0
## 6 BNN 2 in in PREP PRP
## 7 BNN 2 the the ART AT0
## 8 BNN 2 thirties thirties ADJ CRD
## 9 BNN 2 was be VERB VBD
## 10 BNN 2 an an ART AT0
## # ℹ 6,286,666 more rows
You can see that the dataset consists of one row per word or punctuation mark, with the text running one word after another down the rows. There are a few metadata columns providing information about the corresponding parts of speech of the text.
Let’s start by creating a contingency table that looks at each occurrence of the word “boy” or “girl” in the dataset, and tabulates whether the word right before is “good” or something else. The following code produces such a table.
x11 <- sum(bnc$hw == "good" & lead(bnc$hw) == "boy", na.rm=TRUE)
x12 <- sum(bnc$hw == "good" & lead(bnc$hw) == "girl", na.rm=TRUE)
x21 <- sum(bnc$hw != "good" & lead(bnc$hw) == "boy", na.rm=TRUE)
x22 <- sum(bnc$hw != "good" & lead(bnc$hw) == "girl", na.rm=TRUE)
xtab <- matrix(c(x11, x12, x21, x22), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
colnames(xtab) <- c("boy", "girl")
rownames(xtab) <- c("good", "!good")
## boy girl
## good 4 18
## !good 1165 1201
Make sure that the output, if not perhaps the entire code, makes sense to you. For example, there are 4 occurrences of the phrase “good boy” but 18 of the phrase “good girl”.
We can compute the expected counts under the null hypothesis that the usage of “good” is independent of whether the next word is “boy” or “girl”.
rsum <- apply(xtab, 1, sum)
csum <- apply(xtab, 2, sum)
ecount <- rsum[row(xtab)] * csum[col(xtab)] / sum(xtab)
ecount <- matrix(ecount, ncol = 2)
dimnames(ecount) <- dimnames(xtab)
## boy girl
## good 10.76968 11.23032
## !good 1158.23032 1207.76968
Now, computing the G score is straightforward:
## [1] 9.13715
This is a 2x2 table and therefore should have 1 degree of freedom under the null hypothesis. Here is the p-value:
## [1] 0.00250471
Which indicates that there is strong evidence that the rows and columns are not independent.
One of the most interesting things that we can do with linguistic contingency tables is to compute the G-scores for many combinations and then look at which scores are the largest. Let’s start by continuing the previous example, but this time we will find all of the words that are most commonly followed by “boy” or “girl”.
temp <- bnc |>
mutate(hw_next = lead(hw)) |>
filter(hw_next %in% c("boy", "girl")) |>
filter(pos == "ADJ") |>
group_by(hw, hw_next) |>
summarize(n = n()) |>
ungroup() |>
pivot_wider(names_from = "hw_next", values_from = "n", values_fill = 0) |>
mutate(total = girl + boy) |>
## # A tibble: 277 × 4
## hw girl boy total
## <chr> <int> <int> <int>
## 1 little 63 63 126
## 2 young 53 16 69
## 3 old 15 23 38
## 4 this 18 13 31
## 5 other 16 10 26
## 6 small 8 17 25
## 7 that 6 17 23
## 8 two 14 9 23
## 9 good 18 4 22
## 10 new 5 12 17
## # ℹ 267 more rows
Now, we will just do the same thing we did about with “good” using each of the most frequent words in the above table. This might take a minute or two to run.
df <- tibble(
word = temp$hw[1:50],
category = NA,
gscore = NA,
pvalue = NA
for (j in seq_along(df$word))
w <- temp$hw[j]
# create the observed counts
x11 <- sum(bnc$hw == w & lead(bnc$hw) == "boy", na.rm=TRUE)
x12 <- sum(bnc$hw == w & lead(bnc$hw) == "girl", na.rm=TRUE)
x21 <- sum(bnc$hw != w & lead(bnc$hw) == "boy", na.rm=TRUE)
x22 <- sum(bnc$hw != w & lead(bnc$hw) == "girl", na.rm=TRUE)
xtab <- matrix(c(x11, x12, x21, x22), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
# create expected counts
rsum <- apply(xtab, 1, sum)
csum <- apply(xtab, 2, sum)
ecount <- rsum[row(xtab)] * csum[col(xtab)] / sum(xtab)
ecount <- matrix(ecount, ncol = 2)
# find dom. category, g-score, p-value
df$category[j] <- if_else(xtab[1] > ecount[1], "boy", "girl")
df$gscore[j] <- -2 * sum( xtab * log(ecount / xtab))
df$pvalue[j] <- 1 - pchisq(df$gscore[j], df = 1)
df <- filter(df, !
Okay, now let’s look at the terms with the high G-scores that are associated with being more likely to be paired with “girl” than “boy”:
## # A tibble: 20 × 4
## word category gscore pvalue
## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 young girl 19.9 0.00000796
## 2 good girl 9.14 0.00250
## 3 beautiful girl 5.52 0.0188
## 4 intermediate girl 5.52 0.0188
## 5 three girl 5.52 0.0188
## 6 poor girl 2.08 0.150
## 7 pretty girl 1.94 0.164
## 8 christian girl 1.81 0.179
## 9 clever girl 1.81 0.179
## 10 other girl 1.17 0.279
## 11 darling girl 0.966 0.326
## 12 each girl 0.966 0.326
## 13 few girl 0.966 0.326
## 14 italian girl 0.966 0.326
## 15 two girl 0.905 0.341
## 16 this girl 0.622 0.430
## 17 black girl 0.162 0.687
## 18 naked girl 0.162 0.687
## 19 another girl 0.105 0.746
## 20 some girl 0.0542 0.816
Likewise, here are the terms most strongly associted with “boy”:
## # A tibble: 23 × 4
## word category gscore pvalue
## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 bad boy 5.14 0.0234
## 2 dear boy 4.30 0.0382
## 3 small boy 3.74 0.0531
## 4 new boy 3.29 0.0696
## 5 afro-caribbean boy 3.09 0.0789
## 6 old boy 2.08 0.149
## 7 bright boy 2.06 0.151
## 8 senior boy 1.54 0.215
## 9 that boy 1.49 0.222
## 10 those boy 1.46 0.227
## # ℹ 13 more rows
Do you see any interesting examples or patterns here? Really take a moment to think about this!
We are going to more-or-less repeat the idea from the previous section a few different times. First, let’s look at two words that have similar meanings: “big” and “large”. What words commonly come right after them (usually these will be the nouns they modify):
wset <- c("big", "large")
temp <- bnc |>
filter(! |>
mutate(hw_prev = lag(hw)) |>
filter(pos == "SUBST") |> # only look at nouns
filter(hw_prev %in% wset) |>
group_by(hw, hw_prev) |>
summarize(n = n()) |>
ungroup() |>
pivot_wider(names_from = "hw_prev", values_from = "n", values_fill = 0)
temp$total <- temp[[2]] + temp[[3]]
temp <- temp[(temp[[2]] > 0) & (temp[[3]] > 0),]
temp <- arrange(temp, desc(total))
## # A tibble: 150 × 4
## hw large big total
## <chr> <int> <int> <int>
## 1 number 200 1 201
## 2 part 51 8 59
## 3 company 43 10 53
## 4 scale 33 1 34
## 5 problem 7 21 28
## 6 city 13 13 26
## 7 firm 19 7 26
## 8 fish 2 23 25
## 9 man 5 20 25
## 10 sum 24 1 25
## # ℹ 140 more rows
We will run the same type of contingency tables on the 50 most frequently associated word with each of these:
df <- tibble(
word = temp$hw[seq(1, min(50, nrow(temp)))],
category = NA,
gscore = NA,
pvalue = NA
for (j in seq_along(df$word))
w <- temp$hw[j]
# create the observed counts
x11 <- sum(bnc$hw == w & lag(bnc$hw) == wset[1], na.rm=TRUE)
x12 <- sum(bnc$hw == w & lag(bnc$hw) == wset[2], na.rm=TRUE)
x21 <- sum(bnc$hw != w & lag(bnc$hw) == wset[1], na.rm=TRUE)
x22 <- sum(bnc$hw != w & lag(bnc$hw) == wset[2], na.rm=TRUE)
xtab <- matrix(c(x11, x12, x21, x22), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
# create expected counts
rsum <- apply(xtab, 1, sum)
csum <- apply(xtab, 2, sum)
ecount <- rsum[row(xtab)] * csum[col(xtab)] / sum(xtab)
ecount <- matrix(ecount, ncol = 2)
# find dom. category, g-score, p-value
df$category[j] <- if_else(xtab[1] > ecount[1], wset[1], wset[2])
df$gscore[j] <- -2 * sum( xtab * log(ecount / xtab))
df$pvalue[j] <- 1 - pchisq(df$gscore[j], df = 1)
df <- filter(df, !
Here are the words most highly associated with “big” vs. “large”:
## # A tibble: 28 × 4
## word category gscore pvalue
## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 fish big 31.0 0.0000000254
## 2 business big 21.5 0.00000353
## 3 man big 17.3 0.0000318
## 4 problem big 14.7 0.000126
## 5 one big 14.5 0.000140
## 6 star big 12.9 0.000322
## 7 stage big 9.63 0.00192
## 8 boot big 8.01 0.00464
## 9 question big 6.90 0.00863
## 10 prize big 6.43 0.0112
## # ℹ 18 more rows
And those most associated with “large”:
## # A tibble: 22 × 4
## word category gscore pvalue
## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 number large 196. 0
## 2 scale large 26.1 0.000000324
## 3 part large 19.5 0.0000103
## 4 sum large 17.6 0.0000270
## 5 group large 15.8 0.0000715
## 6 size large 10.3 0.00130
## 7 company large 9.94 0.00162
## 8 measure large 7.72 0.00547
## 9 corporation large 7.24 0.00712
## 10 family large 5.75 0.0165
## # ℹ 12 more rows
Again, really take a few minutes to study the output. Think to yourself: would you use the “other” word to modify the words with the highest G-scores? And if so, in what situations? Can you come up with a general rule that describes the top terms?
Let’s move to a similar example of something I have studied quite a bit in different contexts: What verbs are associated with the pronouns “she” and “he”? Here are the terms to study:
wset <- c("she", "he")
temp <- bnc |>
filter(! |>
mutate(hw_prev = lag(hw)) |>
filter(pos == "VERB") |>
filter(hw_prev %in% wset) |>
group_by(hw, hw_prev) |>
summarize(n = n()) |>
ungroup() |>
pivot_wider(names_from = "hw_prev", values_from = "n", values_fill = 0)
temp$total <- temp[[2]] + temp[[3]]
temp <- temp[(temp[[2]] > 0) & (temp[[3]] > 0),]
temp <- arrange(temp, desc(total))
## # A tibble: 802 × 4
## hw he she total
## <chr> <int> <int> <int>
## 1 be 6645 3086 9731
## 2 have 4686 2501 7187
## 3 say 2587 1072 3659
## 4 would 1229 689 1918
## 5 do 1108 567 1675
## 6 could 964 605 1569
## 7 will 663 230 893
## 8 know 455 338 793
## 9 think 429 239 668
## 10 look 380 238 618
## # ℹ 792 more rows
And now we compute the G-scores:
df <- tibble(
word = temp$hw[seq(1, min(200, nrow(temp)))],
category = NA,
gscore = NA,
pvalue = NA
for (j in seq_along(df$word))
w <- temp$hw[j]
# create the observed counts
x11 <- sum(bnc$hw == w & lag(bnc$hw) == wset[1], na.rm=TRUE)
x12 <- sum(bnc$hw == w & lag(bnc$hw) == wset[2], na.rm=TRUE)
x21 <- sum(bnc$hw != w & lag(bnc$hw) == wset[1], na.rm=TRUE)
x22 <- sum(bnc$hw != w & lag(bnc$hw) == wset[2], na.rm=TRUE)
xtab <- matrix(c(x11, x12, x21, x22), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
# create expected counts
rsum <- apply(xtab, 1, sum)
csum <- apply(xtab, 2, sum)
ecount <- rsum[row(xtab)] * (csum[col(xtab)] / sum(xtab))
ecount <- matrix(ecount, ncol = 2)
# find dom. category, g-score, p-value
df$category[j] <- if_else(xtab[1] > ecount[1], wset[1], wset[2])
df$gscore[j] <- -2 * sum( xtab * log(ecount / xtab))
df$pvalue[j] <- 1 - pchisq(df$gscore[j], df = 1)
df <- filter(df, !
Here are the terms associated with “she”:
## # A tibble: 104 × 4
## word category gscore pvalue
## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 feel she 95.9 0
## 2 know she 39.9 2.69e-10
## 3 face she 35.3 2.80e- 9
## 4 could she 31.6 1.92e- 8
## 5 suppose she 31.2 2.38e- 8
## 6 whisper she 29.4 5.85e- 8
## 7 have she 26.1 3.20e- 7
## 8 cry she 26.1 3.26e- 7
## 9 hear she 26.0 3.43e- 7
## 10 turn she 20.3 6.67e- 6
## # ℹ 94 more rows
And now the terms associated with “he”:
## # A tibble: 96 × 4
## word category gscore pvalue
## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 may he 43.1 5.28e-11
## 2 argue he 37.0 1.15e- 9
## 3 claim he 32.6 1.15e- 8
## 4 write he 26.4 2.85e- 7
## 5 can he 25.9 3.66e- 7
## 6 play he 25.5 4.48e- 7
## 7 win he 19.5 1.01e- 5
## 8 join he 15.5 8.30e- 5
## 9 will he 15.0 1.07e- 4
## 10 warn he 14.5 1.44e- 4
## # ℹ 86 more rows
Do you see any general patterns? Do these map onto or cut against any gender (mis)perceptions that you might know in modern society? Can you summarize the patterns in any way?
I’ve copied the “Near Synonyms” code again below. Modify the word sets by picking two near synonym adjectives of your own choosing (try to think of some relatively common words so that there is enough data). Run all of the code and see whether the results turn up anything interesting.
wset <- c("big", "large")
temp <- bnc |>
filter(! |>
mutate(hw_prev = lag(hw)) |>
filter(pos == "SUBST") |> # only look at nouns
filter(hw_prev %in% wset) |>
group_by(hw, hw_prev) |>
summarize(n = n()) |>
ungroup() |>
pivot_wider(names_from = "hw_prev", values_from = "n", values_fill = 0)
temp$total <- temp[[2]] + temp[[3]]
temp <- temp[(temp[[2]] > 0) & (temp[[3]] > 0),]
temp <- arrange(temp, desc(total))
## # A tibble: 150 × 4
## hw large big total
## <chr> <int> <int> <int>
## 1 number 200 1 201
## 2 part 51 8 59
## 3 company 43 10 53
## 4 scale 33 1 34
## 5 problem 7 21 28
## 6 city 13 13 26
## 7 firm 19 7 26
## 8 fish 2 23 25
## 9 man 5 20 25
## 10 sum 24 1 25
## # ℹ 140 more rows
The G-scores (should not have to change anything here):
df <- tibble(
word = temp$hw[seq(1, min(50, nrow(temp)))],
category = NA,
gscore = NA,
pvalue = NA
for (j in seq_along(df$word))
w <- temp$hw[j]
# create the observed counts
x11 <- sum(bnc$hw == w & lag(bnc$hw) == wset[1], na.rm=TRUE)
x12 <- sum(bnc$hw == w & lag(bnc$hw) == wset[2], na.rm=TRUE)
x21 <- sum(bnc$hw != w & lag(bnc$hw) == wset[1], na.rm=TRUE)
x22 <- sum(bnc$hw != w & lag(bnc$hw) == wset[2], na.rm=TRUE)
xtab <- matrix(c(x11, x12, x21, x22), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
# create expected counts
rsum <- apply(xtab, 1, sum)
csum <- apply(xtab, 2, sum)
ecount <- rsum[row(xtab)] * csum[col(xtab)] / sum(xtab)
ecount <- matrix(ecount, ncol = 2)
# find dom. category, g-score, p-value
df$category[j] <- if_else(xtab[1] > ecount[1], wset[1], wset[2])
df$gscore[j] <- -2 * sum( xtab * log(ecount / xtab))
df$pvalue[j] <- 1 - pchisq(df$gscore[j], df = 1)
df <- filter(df, !
Here are the words most highly associated with your first term:
## # A tibble: 28 × 4
## word category gscore pvalue
## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 fish big 31.0 0.0000000254
## 2 business big 21.5 0.00000353
## 3 man big 17.3 0.0000318
## 4 problem big 14.7 0.000126
## 5 one big 14.5 0.000140
## 6 star big 12.9 0.000322
## 7 stage big 9.63 0.00192
## 8 boot big 8.01 0.00464
## 9 question big 6.90 0.00863
## 10 prize big 6.43 0.0112
## # ℹ 18 more rows
And those most associated with your second term:
## # A tibble: 22 × 4
## word category gscore pvalue
## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 number large 196. 0
## 2 scale large 26.1 0.000000324
## 3 part large 19.5 0.0000103
## 4 sum large 17.6 0.0000270
## 5 group large 15.8 0.0000715
## 6 size large 10.3 0.00130
## 7 company large 9.94 0.00162
## 8 measure large 7.72 0.00547
## 9 corporation large 7.24 0.00712
## 10 family large 5.75 0.0165
## # ℹ 12 more rows
If you have time and the counts are small or the results are not very interesting, try to think of some different pairs of words.